Root Canal Therapy
This procedure is performed to save a tooth when the pulp, which contains the nerve, becomes damaged. Therapy consists of opening the tooth, removing the pulp, cleaning, shaping, and filling to seal the root canals. Endodontic therapy is usually highly successful (up to 95% of the time)!
Occasionally a tooth that has undergone endodontic, treatment fails to heal. Often pain ensues despite therapy. Less frequently, infection recurs after several years. If any of these situations occurs, the tooth often can be maintained with a second endodontic treatment.
Sometimes nonsurgical endodontic therapy is ineffective. The endodontist may then use an out patient surgical procedure in which the root-end and infection is removed, the root-tip is filled and the missing bone is replaced.
Cracked Tooth
There are many different types of cracked teeth. The treatment and outcome for your tooth depends on the type, location, and extent of the crack.
The nature of the injury, the length of time from injury to treatment, how your tooth was cared for after the injury and your body’s response all affect the long-term health of the tooth. Timely treatment is particularly important with dislodged or knocked-out teeth in order to prevent root resorption.